Whether you’re looking for a small house to buy and sell for a profit, or you’re in it for the long haul, with rental properties you can’t wait to manage, the following Denver neighborhoods might have precisely what you’re looking for in terms of a profitable investment:
- Hilltop is considered one of Denver’s most prestigious neighborhoods. People who manage to buy a house here can enjoy some of the finest classic Denver architecture, a welcoming community, plenty of green spaces and an exceptionally low level of crime.
- Close to the Denver Tech Center, Hampden South is one of the fastest growing communities in Denver, and with sales price skyrocketing, it’s easy to see why this would be a great place for investing in real estate. The prices, however, are more than justified, since Hampden South features outstanding malls and stores, beautiful views of the foothills and a very safe community.
- Sloan Lake is a quiet and energetic Denver neighborhood that has recently received upgrades in the form of hi-tech housing units. The area attracts a wide diversity of residents, with younger professionals and families all trying to get a piece of the action in this nature-friendly, yet highly refined area of the Denver metropolitan region.
These are just a few of the best neighborhoods you can consider investing in. While buying a house in some of these areas can be a somewhat expensive investment, recent statistics show that home prices and rents in these areas are expected to rise even more in the next two years.
Rest assured, there are wonderful neighborhoods all around the Denver Metro area that offer diversity in affordability, activities, and lifestyle. Explore the limitless possibilities! And when you find the home of your dreams, please call the best Denver fence companies to complete any landscaping fencing needs you may have! Good luck with your home search.