Fresh Landscaping Ideas that Go Together Well with Your New Iron Fence

residential fence company

Iron fencing has to be renewed when it becomes rusty, moldy or discolored. You can use chemical rust neutralizers or paint the fence with a rust-inhibiting primer to protect the iron from corrosion, moisture and rust formation. Moreover, you can repair broken fencing by carrying out a DIY project or hiring a residential fence company wrought iron restoration professional to do it for you. Lastly, you can even change the color of the fence to make it look fresher and well taken care of.

There are several landscaping ideas that go very well with a renewed or new iron fence. For example, using plants can change the appearance of the exterior and even add elegance to the fencing. In a landscape project, plants can provide texture and sophistication.

Other fresh landscaping ideas include: installing fence toppers to increase privacy and security, planting vines with flowers or climbers and adding customizable raised beds of flowers. Curved beds can provide a lot of flair while fence planting can help create a privacy hedge made of shrubs, tall plants with green foliage and long-blooming perennials. Other types of plants for fence line landscaping include: lilac, boxwood, clumping bamboo and climbing roses. There are over ten species of roses and they all look classy and timeless due to their high aesthetic appearance.

Finally, you can use fiberglass planters to make your new iron fence look as modern and as elegant as possible. All in all, there are many landscaping ideas that can enhance the appeal of iron fencing whether it is new or simply renewed with paint, primers and repairs.