How Much Fencing Does Your Business Need?

Before installing a new fence on your commercial property, you must make a plan that should involve confirming your property lines and making some measurements of the area you want to surround. This is very important to avoid ending up by realizing you do not have enough materials to finish the fence or, on the contrary, to buy too many of them.

Luckily, these preliminary steps are not so complicated, as long as you know what you are doing.

Confirming your property lines is a part of the fencing etiquette; if you ignore it, you may step on your neighbors’ property and enter some legal issues. Therefore, consult a land surveyor or your county’s records.

The next step is locating underground utilities and other obstructions. Installing a fence may cause damage to underground utilities, so you are required to mark them before digging for making the foundation.Westminster gate intallationMeasure the perimeter of the area you want to surround with a fence, as well as your fence panels. Divide these numbers and see how many panels you need. Mark the corner posts and then the line posts, to determine how many you are required to install (a line post is placed between two fence panels). Also take into consideration the size and type of the gate you may need as well. Westminster gate installation specialists can help you with measurements and guidelines.

Alternatively, you can use online fence calculators. You can find calculators for different fence materials and they will help you make accurate estimates.