How to Prepare Your Fence Properly Before Painting It

Painting a fence can be an important challenge. Even if you’re used to painting parts and elements of your home, you might find that depending on the type of fence you have, the results you get will differ a lot depending on your actual approach.

Painting a fence - tips from Metro Fence Company

When starting out, pros from say, it’s important to properly prepare the fence, especially if you have a wooden fence or a fence made from another material that attracts organic compounds and dust, or that has signs of mold and degradation. The first step is to clean up your fence properly, remove any pests or weeds that might hinder your progress, and eliminate any mold that might have formed on your fence after too much exposure to rainwater and moisture.

After doing all that, it’s important to let your fence dry before applying the primer and paint. It is essential to ensure that the primer you buy is suited to the type of fence you have, otherwise it will fail to offer proper protection.

Finally, applying an eco-friendly paint is an important asset, along with buying the right kind of painting equipment to ensure an ideal spread and avoid having your paint dripping down. A second coat of paint is often necessary to get the kind of appearance that you wanted in the first place.