Taking a Look at How to Maintain Your Wooden Fence Most Effectively

wooden residential fencing company Denver

Wood fence maintenance is essential if you don’t want to spend a lot of money on installing a new fence once every few years. The following tips from a wooden residential fencing company Denver pro will help you ensure that and keep your wooden fence happy and healthy for a longer time:

  • One of the main things to check for is whether there might be any loose nails that are visible around the pickets. If you find any, make sure to hammer them back into place to keep your fence in good condition and keep it resilient.
  • Insect damage is a big one. No matter how well it’s treated, wood is still an organic material, and insects and termites can easily take an interest in your wooden fence. So make sure you check regularly to see whether your fence is infested in any particular area.
  • Keep any large bushes, weeds and vines away from your fence. Wooden fences are easily tipped over by larger weights when they lean on them. Also, keeping vegetation away from your fence can prevent moisture damage and mold.
  • Posts should be fastened securely into the ground, and the soil around them shouldn’t be washed away by excessive water. If that happens, you might have to remove some of the dislodged soil and mud and ensure that your fence posts go deeper into the ground.