Dear Mr. Knorr:

It was a pleasure to have Metro Fence Company as part of the FBI Headquarters construction project team. This project experienced numerous obstacles starting with budget, site logistics, and final gate/barrier ram sequencing. Metro Fence Co. persevered throughout the project and afterwards resolving and assuring the FBI’s satisfaction for safe operation and security criteria of the gated systems.

Metro Fence Co. not only displayed diligent expertise for K-rated fences and bollards, anti-ram barriers, slide/swing gates, and parking arms, but also procured manufacturer representatives to the site to assist in providing is solutions. For example Ameristar site visit and consultation with Architect, Engineers and FBI was instrumental in an economical and timely solution to overcome grade elevation difference of adjoining property. Ameristar provided engineering information that assured security K-ratings allowing the fence to be raised to match the neighboring property.

Bovis Lend Lease appreciated the hard work and efforts of Metro Fence Co. The endurance and service from Metro Fence Co. working with Bovis Lend Lease to overcome challenges on this project were noticed and valued. We look forward to an opportunity to work on future projects with Metro Fence Co.
