Tips for Summer Landscaping Around Your New Fence

Westminster fencing with beautiful gardening

If you have recently renovated your building’s façade and your Westminster fencing is solid, brand-new and in perfect harmony with the style of your building, too, it is time to create the landscape between the building and the property, paying special attention to fence line landscaping. Landscaping around the fence can serve various purposes, including the softening of the sharp edges in the fence or creating a color theme that runs through your entire landscape – here are some tips for you to achieve the best outcome:

  • Plan the landscape – you can create a sense of continuity using materials repetitively, to create a pattern. Use the same plants around the fence and next to your building, too and pay attention to the height of the plants that you use around the fence line, making sure that they are not too tall for the fence, but suitable for your purpose, such as concealing something. To be able to imagine the outcome of your efforts, draw a map of your desired landscape – you can use colors and clippings on your map to make it more realistic;
  • Planting – make sure that you follow the planting and irrigation instructions attached to your plants and pay attention to proper spacing between the plants, too, then be patient until your plants get used to their new place and start growing.