What Are the Best Kinds Of Wood Fences Available For Yards?

In choosing the right kind of wood fence for your yard you have to consider the climate, exposure to outside elements and also your budget. You have to be familiar with the type of climate you have in the location you want to install your wooden fence and choose the right wood species that will prevent decay and damage caused by weather changes.

In terms of choosing the wood species, you also have to consider choosing a kind of wood that has a natural insect-repellent or pressure treated. This will make sure that no insects, like termites, will present residence and eat away at your wooden fence.

Denver Metro Fence Company

Here are some of the most popular types of wood fences available from Denver Metro Fence Company:

  • Pine Wood Fence: Pine wood is a common material used for fencing yards – not only because it is relatively inexpensive, but it doesn’t shrink and has a soft texture making it easy to work with.
  • Cedar Wood Fence: Cedar wood is another common material because it does not require a complicated maintenance process, and has a natural insect-repellent which is a great asset to have for wood fences.
  • Cypress Wood Fence: Cypress wood fence, just like the cedar wood fence, features a natural insect-repellent substance. It is a great alternative to cedar wood although their price is almost the same, and it gives out a nice aromatic scent as well.
  • Redwood Fence: Aside from bringing to the table a few similar qualities to the previous two, redwood fences are also highly durable. Although it is similarly priced to cedar, a lot of people prefer redwood because of its looks and texture.