How to Politely Install a Fence Between You and Your Neighbor

What is the etiquette on building fences? What’s the polite thing to do? How much input should you get and give? What happens when there’s a huge tree that affects both properties on the fence line? What happens when the existing fence doesn’t really represent the property line?

Are you ready for a Denver fence installation but not sure how to inform your neighbors? It can be a tricky conversation to have but know it is possible and it can end respectfully.  Putting up a fence doesn’t have to mean “keeping people out” it can mean “keeping pets and children in” or something of that nature. Be sure, to be honest, and respectful when discussing this installation with your neighbors.

It’s said that good fences make good neighbors. I’ll let you decide for yourself, but I must admit that there is definitely fence etiquette to be discussed. The first thing to understand is that fences aren’t there just to create privacy and keep people out. They can serve to keep pets in and add a border to the property. Sometimes they are purely an aesthetic choice. So if your neighbor decides to put up a fence where one hadn’t previously been, don’t just assume that it’s to keep you out or that it’s an unfriendly gesture.

Typically, if you want to install a fence, you’ll need to start by figuring out your property line and finding out about your town’s fence regulations. If you are the fence builder, be sure to meet with neighbors to inform them of your intention. If you are the neighbor, it’s OK to ask the fence builder to review plans with you. The idea is to keep the communication open and friendly throughout the process. Even with the fence, you’ll still be neighbors.

If an existing fence encroaches on your property, again, start with a friendly conversation with your neighbor (be ready to back it up with evidence) and see if you can come to a resolution. If not, you can bring it to your town offices and ask for advice. Hopefully, it won’t get to the stage where lawyers are involved — and a soured relationship as a consequence.

How to Politely Install a Fence Between You and Your Neighbor