Tips to Help You Landscape Along Your Fence Line

landscaping Thornton fencing

Landscaping can be a beautiful DIY activity that will be extremely rewarding in the long run, if done right. The following tips for landscaping along your Thornton fence line will help you not only make your landscaping more appealing, but also protect your fence from long term damage:

  • First, it’s important to know the type of fence you have and whether or not plants and water will affect it. A wooden fence can be affected easily by frequent watering, so you’ll have to either keep your plants farther away from it, or repaint and re-coat your fence as frequently as possible to avoid the coating coming off and the fence being attacked by rot and pests.
  • If you have chain link Thornton fencing, it’s important to clear your fence line of any types of plants, weeds or small trees. As they grow, they can get entangled in the chain link and they could even damage it over time.
  • In many cases, you can add trees and vines along the fence to make it look quite beautiful. The vines can climb up as they grow and set a wonderful landscaping scene that all your visitors will admire.
  • You can also consider adding planter boxes and various types of decorations that will spruce up the appearance of Thornton fencing as well as discouraging pets and children from playing too much around your fence.

The Complexities of Fence Etiquette – How to Avoid Neighbor Disputes

You probably heard about the old issues with fence etiquette. In some scenarios, one person’s neighbor might complain that part of the fence was built on their property or that a tree that the fence was built around was actually not supposed to be considered on the fence owner’s property.

If you want to be a good neighbor and avoid any disputes, you’ll have to get informed and make sure you have the accurate information on where the boundary that separates one property from another actually is and whether or not a certain fence is on your property or theirs.

If you just bought your property, it’s a good idea to order a survey in order to find out exactly where the boundary is. Although a survey might cost somewhere between $500 and $1,000, it will not only solve any disputes about your fence but also help eliminate any potential future disputes and legal issues regarding your property’s boundaries as well – such as whose property did a tree fall on after being knocked down by a powerful storm.

Aside from finding out about the limits and boundaries between properties and respecting them, it’s also important to know about HOA rules and guidelines and respecting them. These rules will dictate the maximum height, width and the required and allowed maintenance tasks associated with your fence.

Metro Fence Arvada

When you are looking for fence installation or repair, make sure to request a quote from well known Metro Fence Arvada contractors.

The Most Important Things to Consider Before Choosing the Height of Your Fence

Fence height is an essential factor when trying to keep your home safe and making sure that you have the adequate amount of privacy as well. Even though you might choose to have great Westminster fencing contractors install a fence made from concrete or metal, which can also keep intruders out, selecting a fence that is too short can prove to be a huge problem – both in terms of security and when it comes to keeping prying eyes away from your home.

Talk to Westminster fencing about privacy fencing height

The height of your fence will depend on what you want to achieve with it. If you live in an area where the crime rate is very low, or if you don’t really have anything worth stealing in your back yard, a smaller fence is fine. However, in that case it’s important to spruce up your security on and around your property through a well-designed alarm and possibly even a set of surveillance cameras.

A taller fence is typically required when you want to discourage anyone from climbing it. Alternatively, however, you can also do that by installing a shorter, concrete or brick fence, along with commercial fence spikes, anti-climb paint or even barbed wire, if it’s legal in your area.

Privacy fencing will also be quite tall in most cases, and that’s a special necessity when you have a lot of activities in your back yard, such as allowing your kids to play there unsupervised or organizing barbecues and pool parties.

Important Maintenance Tips for Chain Link Fencing – Taking Proper Care of Your Fence

Even though chain link fences are made from metal, special care has to be taken in observing the proper maintenance requirements for these types of fences. Failing to do so could result in the fence being prematurely damaged by rain, hail or wear and tear, as well as rusting more easily and presenting holes through which intruders could get in and invade your property.

According to Arvada fencing chain link pros, one of the main things you have to remember when it comes to chain link fences, is to check for rust and apply proper rust protection on an annual basis. Doing so will prevent rusting and ensure that your fence’s life span can be maximized.

Arvada chain link fencing

Chain link fences can also attract pests when they are dirty, and they can be damaged by certain types of dirt and organic elements over time. As a result, you have to clean your fence on a regular basis and avoid planting anything nearby, as well as allowing weeds to grow in the vicinity of your fence.

Finally, avoid climbing your fence and discourage any of your children from doing so. Prevention is best, as chain link fences can be a hassle to repair properly, and putting a lot of pressure on your fence can lead to parts of it snapping. Even if the holes created in your fence won’t always allow a human being to pass through, they can still allow pests and rodents to get through and infest your garden and property.

How to Improve Security at Your Construction Site and Prevent Theft

Construction materials and equipment can be very expensive, and some people will take the risk to steal it right from your construction site. So, if you haven’t thought about setting up a viable security system around your site, then it might be time to do so right now.

A good security system will protect your construction site from theft and vandalism, but it will also ensure that you have a better chance at preventing damage and theft from ever happening and at identifying and charging the individuals who were responsible for the intrusion.

The first step is to contact and talk to a dependable security provider that will know all about the latest surveillance systems and how they can be integrated with your construction site.  You may need temporary security fencing and Westminster gate installation . Keep in mind that the dynamics of your construction site might require temporary solutions that can be easily modified or shifted to a different location. So make sure your security specialist can do that for you at short notice.

Westminster gate installation adds security to your construction site

Surveillance cameras should also be accompanied by motion and pressure sensors that can be placed in strategic areas to detect any unwanted and unwelcome movement. That way, even if your night vision cameras don’t capture all the angles, or if no one is checking them at the time of the incident, any intrusion can still be detected and notified as soon as it occurs.

How to Prevent a Dog from Digging and Escaping Under a Fence

residential fencing Denver pros can help keep your pets secure

Dogs love to dig. That’s just a fact of nature. In the case of many smaller dogs, the fence isn’t really recognized as a boundary, but more as a kind of an obstacle. So, as they grow, dogs sometimes get into the habit of digging under the fence, making enough space for themselves to exit the premises of your property, potentially getting themselves into trouble and impairing the structural integrity of the fence as well.

Fortunately, there are a few simple ways to discourage a dog from digging and escaping under a fence:

  1. Walk your dog at least twice a day and make sure that he gets enough exercise. Dogs have a lot of energy, and if they work out every day, they won’t use their energy to mess up your fence.
  2. Teach your dog a few simple commands and tricks, so you can discourage an activity whenever you don’t want them to continue it. That way, the dog will form a habit of avoiding that activity in the future, even if you’re not there to discourage it.
  3. Distract them with treats, balls and toys. Dogs love to play and they love to receive treats for a job well done. As long as they listen to you and they interact with the playful activities that you encourage, you’ll find that the treats they receive will make them forget all about their digging activities.
  4. Talk to conscientious residential fencing Denver pros and ask if there are any steps they can take during the fence installation or repair process to further prohibit your pets from escaping under your fence.

What Type of Insurance Should You Expect from Your Fence Contractor

Insurance is an important part of the issue when you hire any kind of contractor. With fence contractors, you have to pay special attention, since their work is done outside, where they are at a greater risk of making mistakes or causing accidents.

make sure your residential fence company is insured

Here are a few tips on dealing with the insurance requirements for a fence contractor:

  • General liability insurance is a big one here. As they set up or repair your fence, the workers assigned by your fence contractor to the work in question can end up damaging your property by accident. As a result, you will want to make sure a recommended residential fence company contractor can provide you with proper liability insurance to keep you covered in the event that does happen.
  • Worker’s compensation insurance is also necessary, and you have to pay special attention to whether or not your contractor has it, especially if they are a little less experienced or they seem like they don’t pay good enough attention to safety protocols. Worker’s compensation will protect you in the event that one of the workers gets injured while working on your property.
  • Also, make sure you do some proper research to see if the insurance company that the contractor has gotten the insurance policy from is trustworthy. Some insurers are more dependable than others, so it’s usually a good idea to know who you’re dealing with and whether or not you can rely on their protection and compensations, if needed.

Important Tips to Help You Keep Wildlife Out of Your Garden

Dealing with critters can be a real issue when you have a beautiful garden and you don’t want anything to spoil it. Whether you own a vegetable garden or a lovely flower garden, it can be very important to prevent wildlife from messing with your garden and eating your crops.

One of the first tricks to try is to apply a spray that is made to keep small animals away. Coyote urine spray helps with that, since it makes any approaching small animal think that there are coyotes nearby, so they will usually avoid the area.

Another approach is to include plants that most animals will typically avoid. These can include boxwood, daffodils and marigolds. All of these plants will help keep wildlife out of your garden, without however hurting your crops or your flowers in any way.

Finally, you can consider getting rid of any hiding or nesting areas that are close to your garden. That way, most animals will be deterred from getting too close, as they will feel much too exposed when they show up in your garden.

fence installation Denver

These tips will help you a lot. However, you should also consider hiring a dependable landscape and garden fence installation Denver expert to help you refashion your garden, so that it will naturally keep any wildlife away, even without the need to take most of these measures.

What You Need to Know About the Main Ways to Improve Ranch Security

When you own a large ranch, security is a big part of the job. Aside from making sure all your animals are well-fed and taken care of, and getting all the supplies you need to keep your crops healthy, you should also think about having Denver fence companies set up perimeter fencing around your ranch. In addition, installing a centralized security system, and getting the surveillance cameras operational, so you can spot any foul play that might be afoot, is recommended.

Denver fence companies

Surveillance is one of the best tools to keep your ranch secure. While you can’t stay up night and day and be in multiple places at once to guard every area of your ranch, you can set up cameras that will spot any changes in the landscape and sensors that can notify you if someone or something makes it past them.

Once your surveillance system is set up, you will have the power to take action, notify the authorities, protect yourself and your family, and prevent any damage or theft that might befall your precious ranch. Oftentimes, you can spot intruders in time to take all the measures you need to take, and you may also be able to identify them while having the visual evidence you need to have them put behind bars.

Choosing the Right Fence for Your Home: What Fencing Is Best for Noise Reduction?

Noise reduction is an important consideration when you want your fence to provide you with the best level of R&R and privacy that money can buy. Even though a fence won’t block out most of the noise coming from the street, it’s enough if it can block at least some of it, as it can make that outdoor barbecue or pool party that much more enjoyable.

The basic idea of a soundproof fence is that it has to be made by a material that is dense and thick enough to block out most noises. Heavy duty steel and thick wood can do that, but you can also consider having a stone, concrete or brick fence installed, if you want to really get the best noise reduction experience.

Fending off noise pollution can also be done with special materials such as mass loaded vinyl, which is basically a set of vinyl sheets put together in layers to act as an improved sound insulator. These types of fences are lighter and easier to install, but they do an excellent job protecting your home from excess noise.

As you will find, getting a new fence doesn’t have to be too expensive to get the job done. You can visit your local contractors at and find some surprisingly affordable options for soundproof fencing.

noise cancelling fence - Metro Fence Company