The Most Important Things to Consider Before Choosing the Height of Your Fence

Fence height is an essential factor when trying to keep your home safe and making sure that you have the adequate amount of privacy as well. Even though you might choose to have great Westminster fencing contractors install a fence made from concrete or metal, which can also keep intruders out, selecting a fence that is too short can prove to be a huge problem – both in terms of security and when it comes to keeping prying eyes away from your home.

Talk to Westminster fencing about privacy fencing height

The height of your fence will depend on what you want to achieve with it. If you live in an area where the crime rate is very low, or if you don’t really have anything worth stealing in your back yard, a smaller fence is fine. However, in that case it’s important to spruce up your security on and around your property through a well-designed alarm and possibly even a set of surveillance cameras.

A taller fence is typically required when you want to discourage anyone from climbing it. Alternatively, however, you can also do that by installing a shorter, concrete or brick fence, along with commercial fence spikes, anti-climb paint or even barbed wire, if it’s legal in your area.

Privacy fencing will also be quite tall in most cases, and that’s a special necessity when you have a lot of activities in your back yard, such as allowing your kids to play there unsupervised or organizing barbecues and pool parties.